Tag Archives: uci world cup

Sifiso Nhlapo: "Putting the pieces together"

Courtesy of Red Bull

By Rajiv Desai

Sifiso Nhlapo aims to be healthy and injury free for 2013 as he tell us in this catch-up clip.

Life has sure been tough for Sifiso ‘Skizo’ Nhalpo over his career. Two major injuries have meant stop-start development for a rider considered one of the most talented on the race scene.

A broken back put paid to racing in 2009 but Sifiso was able to come back and podium at the 2010 World Champs. Injury disaster however struck again in 2011, when the South African tore his ACL and was once again sidelined for an entire season.

Given those injuries, you’d forgive Sifiso if he had any thoughts of retiring but this was far from him mind in 2012 when having recovered from his ACL tear, he participated in the 2012 World Championships in Birmingham with very little competitive action.

He qualified to the semis at the World’s so confirming entry into the Olympics. A reward for his hard work to get back 100% fit.

Now 2013 is on the horizon, Sifiso is hoping for an injury free season and some consistent displays in this year’s UCI Supercross and US Nationals championships. He’ll also aims to be a contender at the BMX World Championship, which is being held in New Zealand this year.

The first steps before all that is for Sifiso to get back in the groove of competitive racing again and that means putting in the hard work in early season training/racing. A trip to California in February beckons for that. We wish him the very best of luck.