Category Archives: Road Racing

Luke Mossey – Quattro Plant TECcare Kawasaki – Silverstone

Luke Mossey – Silverstone
Quattro Plant TECcare Kawasaki
Luke Mossey and the Quattro Plant TECcare Kawasaki team had a tough weekend at the penultimate round of the MCE British Superbike Championship at Silverstone. The 22-year-old from Royston crashed out of ninth place in race one and finished in tenth place in race two after an off track excursion.
Luke is particularly likes on the Silverstone Circuit and was looking to get some strong results at the super-fast GP track. Luke was settling in well again on the Quattro Plant Teccare Kawasaki throughout all the practice sessions and was feeling comfortable for the qualifying session.
He continued to improve on his times and push forward into the final qualifying session and made it through to the final top ten for the final session. He dug deep and worked hard and was able to qualify in fifth place for the opening British Superbike race.
Luke choose the harder option Pirelli tyre for the race as during testing he was not comfortable on the softer tyre for race distance. He struggled off the start and dropped back to ninth for the opening laps and his times were starting to come down but sadly he crashed out on lap six.
The Quattro Plant Teccare Kawasaki team worked extremely hard between races to get Luke’s bike fixed for race two after some serious damage caused in the crash. They did an incredible job in the short time slot and Luke lined up in 10th place for race two.
He got a good start and was seventh after lap one and was with the front pack. He ran straight on lap four and dropped to 16th and he was left with a lot of work to do. He slowly picked riders off and ended up in a solid tenth position at the end of the 14 laps.
Luke Mossey – “I think I got a little frustrated this weekend at Silverstone as I’ve always had good results here in the past and I think maybe I put too much pressure on myself. I wanted to do well for the team and almost went in the total opposite direction and struggled to get the results I was hoping for.
I didn’t find a set-up on the bike quickly and then I was having issues with grip on the softer tyre so decided to use the harder option for race one. I felt fairly comfortable and was in a lonely ninth place, I felt like I did nothing different but I lost the front end and crashed out.
The bike was badly damaged and I can’t thank my team enough for their efforts and the hard work they put into two hours to get me back out on to the grid. The bike felt different and I did run on at one point but got my head down to salvage a result for everyone.
I hope I can have a strong end to the year at Brands Hatch for the final round.”
Personal Sponsors 2015
TECcare, Sidi, Shoei, GB Racing, SMV, GiMoto, K-Tech, Krombacher, JMC, Moto Gear, ALS, John Wyatt, Graham Godward, Carl Hunter, Ben Brew
Twitter – LukeMossey12
2015 BSB Calendar
16th – 18th October
Brands Hatch GP


Freelance Sports PR
Twitter – CR_PR_18