GoPro: Elena Hight Snowboards the Sierra Backcountry

Courtesy of GoPro

Elena Hight joins Jeremy Jones for an epic backcountry snowboard trip through the Sierra’s for his new film Ode To Muir.

Check out the full film here:

TGR Website:…

Teton Gravity’s latest film Ode To Muir pairs professional snowboarder, adventurer and founder of Protect Our Winters Jeremy Jones with two-time Olympian Elena Hight as they embark on a 40-mile foot-powered expedition deep into California’s John Muir Wilderness.


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Jonathan Paredes (MEX) and Rhiannan Iffland (AUS) discover new cliff diving spots at the remote Lago General Carrera in Patagonia (CHI)

Courtesy of quattro media

Cliff diving webclips | Cliff Diving champions Iffland and Paredes explore Patagonia (CHI)

With the first ever cliff dives into South America’s second largest freshwater lake in central Patagonia, home to one of the world’s most isolated natural treasures, the Marble Cathedral, the decorated pair Jonathan Paredes from Mexico and Australia’s Rhiannan Iffland returned to Chile, to scout the region where they both wrapped up their 2017 World Series victories.

After another highly successful season, in which the 27-year-old Australian cliff diving sensation secured her third overall Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series title in as many seasons to become the most successful female in this sport and Mexico’s cliff diving figurehead Paredes finished third overall in this highly anticipated anniversary season, the setting for the year’s final dives could not have been more spectacular than the unique rock formations surrounded by glacial water in the remote Chilean Aysén region.

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In the Chilean spring and surrounded by snow-capped mountains, the divers launched from the cliffs south of the water-sculpted blue caverns of the Marble Cathedral to land in the 7° Celsius cold glacial turquoise water. Only accessible by boat from the town of Puerto Tranquilo, the athletes were harnessed roping up their way to the 20m high take-off spot.

Cliff Diving Champions Iffland and Paredes explore Patagonia (CHI) – Story Clip from World of Freesports on Vimeo.



Cliff Diving Champions Iffland and Paredes explore Patagonia (CHI) – Action Clip from World of Freesports on Vimeo.