TEAM SPEED Celebrates the New Year with Final 2016 Dakar Rally Preparations

Courtesy of SPEED Energy Racing

TEAM SPEED Celebrates the New Year 

with Final 2016 Dakar Rally Preparations

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Dec. 31, 2015) –The final day of 2015 was anything but a time to celebrate for Robby Gordon, Sheldon Creed, and their Team SPEED teammates. As millions in South America’s second largest metropolitan area celebrated the New Year with dancing, music, and fireworks. Gordon, and his team spent New Year’s Eve putting the final touches on both HST Gordini Supercars for Saturday’s timed mini-special from Buenos Aires to Rosario. The competitor’s time will set the starting order for Stage 1 of the 2016 Dakar Rally on Sunday.

Different than the last two year’s of the Dakar with Robby Gordon competing in his sole HST Gordini, Team SPEED built an additional Gordini Supercar during the off season for 2015 Stadium SUPER Trucks Champion Sheldon Creed, who will start the Dakar as the youngest ever competitor in the 36-year history of the race.
With two American entries gunning for the overall podium, every available moment until the start of the race will be spent fine tuning and massaging both race vehicles in preparation for the 13 stages of more than 5,739 miles (9,237 KM) of grueling off-road racing through Argentina, and Bolivia.
The logistics of the Dakar are a challenge all in itself; transporting the race vehicles, spare parts, support vehicles and crew from the United States to Argentina for the start of the race takes months of precise coordinating.
As in previous years, Team SPEED shipped its tools, equipment, and support vehicles from the United States to France in early November to board the ASO cargo ship with the majority of the other 500 plus race vehicles, bikes, quads, and support equipment. From France all entrants’ equipment made the 3-week long trek across the Atlantic Ocean to Bueno Aires for the late December arrival.
Unlike the support vehicles, both HST Gordini’s had a vastly different way of arriving in Argentina for the race. After being trucked to Miami, Fla., both vehicles were loaded upon a cargo plane, and were flown to Buenos Aires in late December, allowing the team the maximum amount of time possible to work on both race vehicles in the Charlotte, N.C., shop. After several days in customs quarantine, the team took delivery of both Gordini’s on Wednesday.
With all team members now in the capital city every nut and bolt of the race vehicles are getting attention to ensure it is ready for the start of the world’s most demanding automotive challenge.
“There is really no racing event like the Dakar, and now that we are entering our 12th Rally we believe we’ve seen just about everything and know how to prepare for it. With the addition of young off-road phnom Sheldon Creed in a second SPEED Energy/ Toyo Tires HST Gordini Supercar Team SPEED bring’s the extra support needed on course we’ve lacked in the last few years. But it’s the Dakar Rally, we know there could be a new challenge around the next corner as Sheldon and I put our SPEED Energy/ Toyo Tires Gordini’s up against the best off-road racers in the world. It’s the ultimate survival test, which is why the Dakar Rally is such a tremendous event,” Gordon Stated.

Follow the quest for an American podium finish in the 2016 Dakar Rally for Team SPEED through live timing and scoring as well as live updates with chat at and

Team SPEED is supported by the following partners; SPEED Energy, Toyo Tires, TRAXXAS, KMC Wheels, Arctic Cat, 4 Wheel Parts, Grand Design Recreational Vehicles, Magnaflow Exhaust, Eibach Springs, King Shocks, Outlaw LED, Mastercraft Safety, Holley Performance, Embee Performance, MAC Tools, DeWALT, Freightliner Trucks, Replay XD, Valvoline, Impact by Mastercraft Safety, Lincoln Electric, Torchmate by Lincoln Electric, Ron Davis Racing Products, Techni Waterjet, Mechanix Wear, Saftey-Kleen, Weddle Industries, and Loctite.


Chris Hecht Tel. 704-949-1255


Dakar 2016: first images of Team Peugeot-Total

Courtesy of Red Bull Content Pool

Dakar 2016: first images of Team Peugeot-Total

Rally Dakar 2016: Peugeot 2008 DKR16
Rally Dakar 2016: Peugeot 2008 DKR16

Team Peugeot-Total
Carlos Sainz
, 9th Dakar
Stephane Peterhansel, 27th Dakar
Cyril Despres, 16th Dakar
Sebastien Loeb, first Dakar

Rally Dakar 2016: Carlos Sainz
Rally Dakar 2016: Carlos Sainz
Rally Dakar 2016: Stephane Peterhansel
Rally Dakar 2016: Stephane Peterhansel

Find all images downloadable from the Dakar Rally HERE and all information for media HERE.




Showtime! Team HRC on the Dakar 2016 starting line

Courtesy of Honda Racing Corporation


  Dakar Rally 2016

2016 Dakar Rally   Round DAK16

Showtime! Team HRC on the Dakar 2016 starting line

With the technical and administrative tests completed the team can now look forward to a New Year’s Day morning of final preparations before the event’s curtain-raiser takes place on the January 2.

The Dakar Rally is all set to begin. Team HRC too. The riders, mechanics, technical crew and the Honda CRF450 RALLY bikes have made it through the official race scrutineering and the action can now begin. It took a whole morning to get HRC riders Joan Barreda, Paulo Gonçalves, Michael Metge, Paolo Ceci and Ricky Brabec through the obligatory technical and administrative checks before getting the official go-ahead to embark on the great rally odyssey.

Ahead lie two weeks of tough competition. Competitors can expect a looping 9000 kilometre circuit that starts and finishes in Rosario, Argentina, taking in Bolivia on the way, plus the 300 kilometres of prologue that gets the show underway on 2nd January. Before we know the winner of the Dakar 2016 in two weeks time, the 143 riders in the bike section will have been forced to endure a 4,684 kilometre test of speed, skill, riding dexterity and, above all, navigational prowess.

The prologue stage gets the event off and running from Buenos Aires’ Tecnopolis complex with a special stage against the clock in the Baradero area. The whole race route is, of course, already mapped out and scheduled, but heavy rain has recently wreaked havoc in the northern region of Argentina. This could lead race authorities to make some amendments to the planned route.


Taichi Honda

Team HRC Rally Project Leader

I’m very happy to be out here with the team. We have done some really good preparation for the Dakar 2016. Everything is ready for the race: bikes and riders. We arrive here in really great conditions and all that is left is to wish the team the best of luck and hope that they get a good result.

Taichi Honda

Martino Bianchi

Team HRC General Manager

With just a couple of days to go before the start of the Dakar 2016, the race is here and you can really feel it. This is the event that Team HRC have been preparing for all year long: riders, bikes and team. We are ready and the whole team is prepared and we hope to be able to achieve our goal. Let’s hope that all team members have a safe race too. Enjoy the race and keep supporting our Team HRC riders.

Martino Bianchi

Wolfgang Fischer

Team HRC Team Manager

Everyone in Team HRC arrived well in Buenos Aires. The last two days we have spent making the final preparations to our material. Bikes and set-up. Now we are ready to take the final step. The administrative checks and scrutineering have been passed and now we can rest a little with the bikes staying in the parc ferme until the starting ramp. From that point on we will have 300 km to the first bivouac in Rosario. There is a little warm-up, called the prologue, of about 11 km to define the starting positions for the first full stage of the Dakar 2016 from Rosario to Villa Carlos Paz. We are looking forward to an exciting race and everyone is fit and prepared and we can’t wait to get on the bikes and get into the race.

Wolfgang Fischer

Location Information

The greatest and toughest rally in the world, the Dakar’s history has been written in the heart of some of the world’s most stunning deserts and belongs to the world of the greatest sporting challenges of our time. Both a motor race and an orienteering challenge, the Dakar Rally pits… read more.

Dakar Rally

Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina –  View in Google Maps



Merzouga Rally: El primer Dakar Series Africano / The first African Dakar Series

Courtesy of A.S.O./Dakar Series


Buenos Aires, el  31 de Diciembre 2015


El Merzouga Rally: el primer Dakar Series Africano



En la temporada 2016, el circuito Dakar Series llevará a los pilotos de motos, quads y SSV al Merzouga Rally, cuya séptima edición se celebrará del 21 al 27 de mayo. Un momento ideal en la preparación del Dakar, sobre todo para los competidores europeos. Se convertirá en una cita clave para la detección y la formación de pilotos de rally raid. El objetivo es impulsar la emergencia de la “nueva generación Dakar”.

Sabores africanos…

Desde la última meta del Dakar en la capital senegalesa, la marca Dakar Series, creada en 2008, ha viajado por Europa, Asia y Sudamérica, vinculada a pruebas que acogían a la élite del rally raid. En primavera, la marca descubrirá el continente africano con el Merzouga Rally, que se disputa desde 2010 en Marruecos en la región de Erfoud. La semana escasa de carrera prevista en el Medio Atlas y en el norte del Sáhara permitirá a los más veteranos recordar el sabor de las etapas marroquíes del Dakar, que se disputaban por ejemplo en Er-Rachidia, Uarzazate o en Guelmin, y a los más jóvenes descubrir un marco para una carrera caracterizado por cordones de dunas, a los que debe su fama Merzouga.

Una nueva cita de pretemporada

El Merzouga Rally, que a lo largo de los años se ha convertido en una prueba importante de cara al Dakar, contará a partir de 2016 con una nueva dimensión, gracias al cambio de fecha que la sitúa en primera línea. Permitirá poner a prueba sobre el terreno marroquí los cambios en los equipos, las modificaciones técnicas efectuadas a las motos o los nuevos materiales. En el palmarés de la prueba solo figuran nombres de grandes protagonistas del Dakar. Y en el futuro, el Merzouga Rally podría convertirse en escenario de revanchas o en adelanto de las pugnas que se podrán presenciar en enero. Además, el Dakar Challenge no solo recompensará al ganador de la prueba, sino también al talento más prometedor.

Marc Coma y Edo  Mossi codo con codo

El Merzouga Rally fue creado y desarrollado por Edoardo Mossi, un apasionado de África y del Dakar desde hace mucho tiempo, que ha participado en el rally a ambos lados del Atlántico, en moto y en auto. Firme defensor del carácter distendido del encuentro que organiza (se espera la participación de unos 100 vehículos en 2016), el piloto italiano también busca experimentar con nuevos y ambiciosos formatos de carrera. Impulsado por el mismo espíritu innovador, Marc Coma asume las funciones de director deportivo, con una visión mucho más amplia, destinada a la transmisión de sus conocimientos. Este ganador del Dakar en los dos continentes se encargará de organizar talleres, con el fin de proporcionar a los pilotos el bagaje necesario para afrontar o incluso para destacar en el Dakar. Además, todos aquellos que superen el Merzouga Rally tendrán asegurada la posibilidad de inscribirse en el Dakar.

El palmarés motos del Merzouga Rally

2015: Alessandro Botturi (Ita)

2014: Pal-Anders Ullevalseter (Nor)

2013: Sam Sunderland (Gbr)

2012: Jacek Czachor (Rtc)

2011: Jakub Przygonski (Pol)

2010: Helder Rodrigues (Por)

 Marc Coma, Director Deportivo del Merzouga Rally: “Este rally, será el primer escalafón para un piloto que desee disputar el Dakar. Nuestro objetivo es permitir a los jóvenes pilotos de moto lanzarse en una carrera adaptada a sus capacidades, pero que les permita a la vez encarar las dificultades reales del rally raid: la navegación y la resistencia. Lo interesante para los europeos y para los africanos es que, además, se trata de una prueba asequible desde el punto de vista financiero. Además, es posible inscribirse con una moto de enduro en el Merzouga Rally. De cara al Dakar, esta carrera será una especie de rally de tanteo para evaluar el nivel técnico y físico de los pilotos. Los que terminen el Merzouga Rally podrán presentarse al Dakar”.

Edo Mossi, fundador del Merzouga Rally: “Estoy muy emocionado al ver lo que le está pasando al Merzouga Rally. Trabajar con A.S.O. es un gran honor y una fuente de motivación. Esta aventura empezó en 2010 y no podía entonces ni imaginar que Merzouga se podría convertir un trampolín para el Dakar para los pilotos. También sé que en este rally se conservará lo más importante, el ambiente distendido, que es la clave de su éxito”.

Inscripciones, precios y calendario en



Buenos Aires, 31th December 2015



Merzouga Rally: the first African Dakar Series

For the 2016 season, the Dakar Series will see the bike, quad and SSV competitors head to Morocco for the 7th running of the Merzouga Rally from 21-27 May. This will be an ideal opportunity for the European competitors to prepare for the Dakar and it should become an event for detecting and rally-raid training the “new Dakar generation”.  

Saveurs of Africa…

Following the last Dakar finish in the Senegalese capital, the Dakar Series label, which was created in 2008, has been to Europe, Asia and South America, associated with rally-raids featuring the crème de la crème of the sport. Next spring, it will head to the African Continent for the Merzouga Rally, which has been held since 2010 in Morocco’s Erfoud region. The nearly one-week long rally-raid, running in the Atlas Mountains and the north of the Sahara desert will allow the more seasoned competitors to remember the many Moroccan stages of past Dakars, with for example the arrivals at Er-Rachidia, Ouarzazate and Goulmine; and for the newcomers it will be the chance to discover the famous Merzouga dunes in a tough competition setting.

The new pre-season rendezvous

Having become a major pre-Dakar test over the years, the Merzouga Rally will take on a new dimension in 2016 with a date change that will put it in the spotlight. New team compositions, technical changes made to the motorcycles and new equipment will be tested in Morocco. The rally’s record book is chalk-full of the leading Dakar contenders. In the future, the Merzouga Rally is expected to become both an opportunity for revenge and the precursor of the confrontations that could take place in January. Especially since the Dakar Challenge will reward both the winner of the event, and its most promising talent.

Marc Coma and Edo Moss in charge

The Merzouga Rally was created and developed by long-time Africa and Dakar enthusiast Edoardo Mossi, who participated in the rally in both the motorcycle and car categories on both sides of the Atlantic. Committed to the convivial aspect of the rally he organizes (about 100 vehicles expected to start in May 2016), the Italian competitor also likes to experiment with ambitious new race formats. Driven by the same innovative spirit, Marc Coma will act as Sporting Director, with an even larger vision, focused on the transmission of his savoir-faire. Winner of the Dakar on two continents, he will conduct workshops to provide the competitors with the necessary tools to get started and why not standout on the Dakar. In addition, all the “finishers” of the Merzouga Rally will be assured of being able to enter the Dakar.


Past motorcycle winners of the Merzouga Rally

2015: Alessandro Botturi (Ita)

2014: Pal-Anders Ullevalseter (Nor)

2013: Sam Sunderland (Gbr)

2012: Jacek Czachor (Rtc)

2011: Jakub Przygonski (Pol)

2010: Helder Rodrigues (Por)

Marc Coma, Merzouga Rally Sporting Director: “This rally will be the first phase to pass for someone who wants to do the Dakar. Our ambition is to allow young motorcycle riders the chance to get started, on a rally adapted to their abilities and at the same time make them face the real rally-raid difficulties: navigation and endurance. The interest for the Europeans and Africans is also the affordability of this event. And you can take part in the Merzouga Rally with an enduro bike. For the Dakar, this rally will be a benchmark for evaluating the technical and physical level of the riders. Those who finish the Merzouga will be able enter the Dakar.”

Edo Mossi, creator of the Merzouga Rally: “What is happening at this time concerning the Merzouga Rally is very emotional for me. It is a great honour and a source of motivation to work with A.S.O.. The adventure began in 2010, and I never imagined that the Merzouga could become a stepping stone towards the Dakar for the riders! I also know that his rally will retain what is most important, i.e. it’s friendly atmosphere which is the key to its success.”

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Courtesy of A.S.O./Dakar Digital

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Dakar 2016
La 38ª edición del Rally Dakar comenzará mañana. La salida será en Buenos Aires el 3 de Enero y la llegada el 16 de Enero en Rosario. Vamos a vivir dos semanas de emociones, pasiones y sensaciones! Los vehículos recorrerán Argentina y Bolivia durante duras etapas y paisajes espectaculares.

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Una vez mÁs, el Dakar elige TOTAL
Desde hace más de 20 años, TOTAL es patrocinador principal y encargado de la logística de la competencia más exigente del mundo. Ademas el ELF MOTO acompaña a los competidores amateur a lo largo de los 9000 kilómetros de carrera desde el lanzamiento del trofeo ELF MOTO en 2003. Sigue el trofeo ELF MOTO y TOTAL en el sitio del Dakar
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JF Houle, Jessy Cornu & Friends Get Creative At An Abandoned Military Base | ‘Ski Control’

Courtesy of EPIC TV

 JF Houle, Jessy Cornu & Friends Get Creative At An Abandoned Military Base | ‘Ski Control’

Pro skiers JF Houle, Jessy Cornu and the crew explore an abandoned military base in Canada in their quest to produce a unique ski video showcasing a number of different hits around this urban playground. Eight days of hard work and commitment have definitely paid off…”%20frameborder=



Time for one more Lap

Courtesy of SCOTT Sports

We are still riding bikes today as trails are dry and dusty over here in the alps, and we hope you do have fun on your local loops, too.

SCOTT Sports like to shout out a huge THANK YOU for following us in 2015! It has been a great season for the SCOTT family. However, we already promise you today that there are stunning new products to come, and surely more good stories to tell! Stay tuned!

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Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing Team video

Courtesy of Husqvarna Motorcycles

Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing Team video
Meet the three-man team for the challenge of the Dakar Rally
Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing Team
Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing Team

The Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing Team go to the 2016 edition of the famed Dakar Rally with an attractive three-rider line-up to contest the classic offroad event that covers some 9,000 km (5,592 miles).

Riding the Husqvarna FR 450 Rally bike will be Portugal’s Ruben Faria as the veteran and most experienced of the trio, the talented Pablo Quintanilla of Chile, who had a top five finish in 2014 and Frenchman Pele Renet, a proven enduro champion who will contest his first Dakar Rally.

As riders reach Buenos Aires for the ceremonial start and the prologue on January 2, we invite you to discover more about the team and the rally: