Dakar 2015: Let the show begin!

Courtesy of Honda Racing Corporation


And off we go…. In less than forty-eight hours, the Argentine air will reverberate to the chorus of motorcycle engines, as the Dakar Rally roars into life. Team HRC, meanwhile, has successfully passed the scrutineering that precedes the event.

The 2015 edition of the Rally Dakar will fire up on January 4, the day after tomorrow, with a first stage setting out from Buenos Aires and concluding in Villa Carlos Paz. These will be the first of more than 9,300 kilometres to be overcome before the race finally winds to a close. But first, prior to taking up positions on the starting-line, all administrative and technical checks had to be fully completed. Once the vehicles had been picked up from the port of Buenos Aires, it was straight off to the scrutineering for both riders and assistants of Team HRC, who passed all, including the Honda CRF450 RALLY bikes, the obligatory inspections hitch-free.

The squad is good to go. And it should be too, after a 2014 season in which all components of Team HRC strove throughout training, testing and competitions to get to the event at the highest possible level. With just two days until the chronometer begins to adjudicate the fastest of the race, both riders and bike are now ready to roll.

Tomorrow, Saturday, sees the symbolic start of the 2015 edition of the Rally Dakar, which for the first time heads out from Casa Rosada – one of the best known spots in the country’s capital. In the morning, both Team HRC and Honda South America Rally Team, with all their riders, will be officially presented.

Martino Bianchi

Team HRC General Manager

As always at the Dakar, the first few days are the toughest for the team. Furthermore, poor climatic conditions have hampered our programme. In spite of this, we have overcome all the technical and administrative tests, and we are all ready for the year’s most important event: the Dakar. We are here to have a good race and a great Team result! Enjoy Team HRC throughout this incredible race!!!

Martino Bianchi

Wolfgang Fischer

Team HRC Team Manager

The whole Team HRC finally arrived here in Buenos Aires. We’ve had a nice start to the New Year here in Argentina and we are finishing the final preparations for the start of the rally. Today we had administrative and technical checks; the bike passed the technical checks and went into the parc ferme. First move tomorrow will be a ceremonial podium, passing the whole city for the spectators, before starting the first stage the day after tomorrow, on January 4, as the next phase of the great Dakar Rally adventure really begins.

Wolfgang Fischer

Taichi Honda

Team HRC Technical Director

Yesterday, we left the bikes for the scrutineering, one month after they departed from Le Havre, France. The journey, for the bikes, was very good, and we only had to check them over, before they went off for the technical tests. Once through the technical checks, we are ever closer to the start-line.


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Para gran deleite de los aficionados / to the delight of the fans

Courtesy of A.S.O./Dakar Media

Durante la primera jornada de las verificaciones técnicas y administrativas, gran parte de los pilotos sudamericanos han podido disfrutar de la calurosa acogida de su público, con ganas de animar incluso antes de que empiecen las dos semanas de carrera previstas. Mañana, el centro de Tecnópolis estará abierto gratuitamente al público entre las 11.00 y las 22.00.

“Dakar mojado, Dakar afortunado”, se oye decir a los más optimistas por los pasillos del centro de exposiciones de Tecnópolis, donde tienen lugar las verificaciones técnicas y administrativas durante las tres jornadas. Todo el mundo tiene claro que en Buenos Aires, y prácticamente en toda Argentina, el tiempo nublado persistente y las precipitaciones en general no suelen durar demasiado tiempo en esta época del año. Es posible incluso que dentro de unos días, cuando los pilotos se enfrenten al calor asfixiante de San Juan o Chilecito, se eche de menos el fresco porteño de los primeros días del año. Hoy pilotos y equipos, algunos más abrigados que otros, acudían a los controles con un entusiasmo desbordante, en un ambiente en el que se respiraba la emoción ante la inminente carrera. La primera jornada, principalmente consagrada a los pilotos sudamericanos, ha dado ocasión a Ignacio Casale de comentar su objetivo de defender su título en la categoría quads, sin por ello restar ni un ápice de emoción a la prueba: “He realizado pocas carreras este año, pero me he preparado muy bien físicamente, por ejemplo practicando mucha bicicleta de montaña. He vuelto para ganar, pero no soy el único con ese objetivo. No voy a mencionar nombres, pero me enfrento a cinco adversarios directos serios, con una gran sed de victoria”.

Aparte de la categoría quads, en la que los latinoamericanos están ampliamente representados, los países anfitriones y sus vecinos también cuentan con bazas interesantes en motos, pese a la ausencia de su líder habitual Chaleco López, tras anunciar el fin de su carrera en motos. El relevo chileno está asegurado de la mano de Jeremías Israel que acudirá a la cita mañana junto con los demás Honda HRC. Además, la marca japonesa está también presente en una estructura del continente, con Daniel Gouet (Chi), Javier Pizzolito (Arg) y Jean De Azevedo (Bre), que han figurado en el Top 10 y cuya llegada a las verificaciones técnicas ha suscitado un gran interés. A su vez, Pablo Quintanilla, ganador del Desafío Inca en septiembre, está seguro de que a la tercera va la vencida y aspira a completar su primer Dakar, tras dos abandonos.

Las verificaciones, momento importante para los competidores, que se van proyectando cada vez más en la competición a medida que se acerca la salida, también ofrecen la ocasión a los espectadores de acudir a ver a los pilotos y compartir su reto. Además de los espectáculos organizados en el Village, las sesiones de autógrafos y las animaciones propuestas por los patrocinadores del rally, el público cuenta ahora con acceso a parte de lo que pasa entre bastidores. La preparación de la caja en la que se transportan los bártulos de los pilotos que se inscriben en la categoría de motos sin asistencia, la puesta a punto de los vehículos de la organización o el despliegue de los dispositivos para la retransmisión por televisión no guardarán ya ningún secreto para los porteños, que han acudido hoy en masa a la cita. Mañana, al igual que muchos otros, estarán impacientes por ver los Peugeot DKR 2008 de Peterhansel, Sainz y Despres, que harán su primera aparición pública, listos para la carrera.


For the first day of technical and administrative scrutineering, a considerable portion of the South American riders and drivers were acclaimed in Buenos Aires by the spectators, already present to encourage the competitors ahead of the two weeks of racing which awaits them. Tomorrow, the Tecnopolis site will open its doors free of charge to the general public from 11:00 to 22:00.

“A rainy Dakar means a lucky Dakar” was what the most optimistic competitors were saying in the aisles of the Tecnopolis exhibition centre, which is hosting technical and administrative scrutineering for three days. Everybody knows that in and around Buenos Aires and in fact almost everywhere in Argentina, persistent cloudy periods and other showers of varying intensity never last that long during this season. In fact, in several days’ time, the riders and drivers who could be confronted with the furnaces of San Juan or Chilecito may regret the beginning of the year’s freshness in the Argentine capital. Some wearing a warm sweater, others not, the riders, drivers and crews took part in the days’ series of checks with contagious enthusiasm, tinged with excitement about the forthcoming race. The first day, mainly devoted to the passage of the South American riders and drivers gave Ignacio Casale, for example, the opportunity to provide his views on defending his title in the quad category, whilst enjoying setting guessing games for his listeners to solve: “I haven’t raced much this year, but on the other hand, I’m in great physical form, thanks mainly to a lot of mountain-biking. I’m still here to win, but I’m not the only one. I’m not telling you who, but I’ve got five direct serious rivals who will be hungry to win”.

Apart from the quad category, in which the Latin Americans are well represented, the riders from the host countries and their neighbours have serious roles to play, including in the absence of their usual pack leader, “Chaleco” Lopez, who has announced the end of his career on two wheels. The changing of the guard is effective in the Chilean ranks, with Jeremias Israel who will make his appearance tomorrow with the rest of the Honda HRC riders. However, the Japanese constructor is also present in a team from the continent, with Daniel Gouet (Chile), Javier Pizzolito (Argentina) and Jean De Azevedo (Brazil), all former members of the top 10 and the focus of many watching eyes on their entrance to technical scrutineering. Pablo Quintanilla, winner of the Desafio Inca last September, is also aiming to use his third attempt as a means to finally finishing the Dakar, following two withdrawals.

A high point for the competitors, who start looking ahead to the competition with even more intensity as the start approaches, scrutineering is also an opportunity for the spectators to come and meet their heroes and share in the challenge in which they are about to launch themselves. In addition to the events organised in the Dakar Village, the autograph sessions and the actions put in place by the rally’s partners, the general public now has partial access to behind the scenes of the race. The preparation of the kits that will be used by the bikers registered to take part without assistance, the fine-tuning of the organisers’ vehicles or the deployment of the TV broadcasting facilities will no longer hold any secrets for the natives of Buenos Aires, who were already plentiful in number today. Tomorrow, they, and many others, will be keeping an eye out for the Peugeot DKR 2008s driven by Peterhansel, Sainz and Despres, which will be making their first public appearance in their racing configuration.

Follow Sportsman of the year LIVE on MXGP-TV in 2015

Courtesy of Youthstream Media

2015 has welcomed us with the great news!

MXGP’s legend, eight-time FIM Motocross World Champion Antonio Cairoli has been voted as the Sportsman of the Year in a competition run by popular Italian broadcasting network ‘Sportmediaset’.

Click on the video to live again TC222’s 2014 best moments, and follow his 2015 MXGP Season LIVE on http://www.MXGP-TV.com!

Click here to read more about the competition.

All the best,
The MXGP-TV Team


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TC222 voted Sportsman of the Year

Courtesy of Youthstream Media

FUNCHAL (Portugal), 1 January 2015 – MXGP’s legend, eight-time FIM Motocross World Champion Antonio Cairoli has been voted as the Sportsman of the Year in a competition run by popular Italian broadcasting network ‘Sportmediaset’.

With 40% of votes Tony triumphed the likes of Football hero Cristiano Ronaldo, F1 star Lewis Hamilton, Tour De France winner Vincenzo Nibali and that’s just to name a few, to be titled Sportmediaset’s Sportsman of the Year.

In a similar competition Tony was chosen by the readers of well-known Italian newspaper ‘La Stampa’ as the 2014 Italian Sportsman of the Year. Tony led this competition also from start to finish with thousands upon thousands of La Stampa readers voting for him. The Italian fan favorite, who was up against other popular Italian athletes such as the Tour de France winner Vincenzo Nibali again, MotoGP’s Valentino Rossi and NBA star Marco Belinelli just to name a few, won with a percentage of 36% of votes and a commanding lead over Vincenzo Nibali.

What better occasion to live again TC222’s 2014 best moments. Click here to watch the video.






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Robby Gordon and Team SPEED Celebrate the New Year Dakar Style

Courtesy of SPEED Energy Racing


BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Dec. 31, 2014) –The final day of 2014 was anything but a time to celebrate for Robby Gordon and his Team Dakar USA teammates. As millions in South America’s second largest metropolitan area celebrated the coming of the New Year with dinner, dancing and drinks, Gordon and his team spent New Year’s Eve putting the final touches on their HST Gordini race car for Sunday’s start of the 2015 Dakar Rally.

The HST Gordini is one of the most highly technical vehicles the team has ever built in Gordon’s more than 30 years of professional off-road racing. Therefore, every available moment until the start of the race will be spent fine tuning and massaging the car in preparation of 13 stages and more than 9,111 kilometers (5,661 miles) of grueling desert racing in Argentina, Bolivia and Chile.

For 2015 the team shipped its car, tools, equipment and support vehicles directly from the United States rather than through Europe as did the majority of the field of 665 cars, trucks, motorcycles and quads. This allowed the team to work on the Gordini in its Charlotte, N.C., shop until the last moment possible before trucking it to Miami for a flight to Argentina. After several short days in quarantine, the team took delivery of its Gordini Monday. With all team members now in the capital city every nut and bolt of the car is getting attention to ensure it is ready for the start of the world’s most demanding automotive challenge.

“Preparations for a race like the Dakar are really never complete,” Gordon said. “It is impossible to predict how your race will unfold so you prepare for every possibility and hope that most of your planning for the worst was a waste of time when you’re standing on the podium at the end.

“There is really no substitute for experience in a race like Dakar, and now that we are entering our 11th Rally we believe we’ve seen just about everything and know what to prepare for, but we also know there could be a new challenge around the next corner. It’s the ultimate survival test which is what makes the Dakar Rally such a tremendous event.”

Follow the Dakar Rally through live timing and scoring as well as live updates at planetrobby.com. NBCSN will provide daily highlights beginning Jan. 5 from 4:30 to 5 p.m. ET.

A two-part documentary that aired earlier this month on NBCSN highlighting Gordon’s preparations for the 2015 Dakar Rally – “Robby Gordon Road to Dakar” – is available for viewing on planetrobby.com.

The HST Gordini is supported by SPEED Energy, Toyo Tires, Traxxas, 4 Wheel Parts, Grand Design Recreational Vehicles, Momentum by Grand Design, Magnaflow Exhaust, Eibach Springs, King Shocks, Mastercraft Safety, Embee Performance, MAC Tools, DeWALT, Freightliner Trucks, Replay XD, Impact by Mastercraft Safety, Lincoln Electric, Torchmate by Lincoln Electric, Ron Davis Racing Products, Techni Waterjet, Hella, Mechanix Wear, Saftey-Kleen, Weddle Industries, Kartek Off-Road, Team Gordon Race Wheels, Pro Am Racing Products, Anaheim Hills Auto Body. 

About SPEED Energy – SPEED Energy is available in four flavors: Unleaded, Fuel, Ethanol and Octane, which provides the human machine with the fuel it needs to keep up with the SPEED of life. Each drink contains a potent energy blend of B-vitamins, caffeine, taurine and ginseng. SPEED is packaged in 16 ounce cans that have a stylish black top and sexy body and are available in singles, four-packs, and cases. SPEED Energy is available in the United States in major retailers, convenience stores, grocery stores, bars and nightclubs.

For more information, please visit www.speedenergy.com or connect with SPEED Energy on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/thespeedenergydrink and by following on Twitter at http://twitter.com/SPEED_ENERGY.

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For more information log onto http://www.toyotires.com and connect with the community on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ToyoTires and follow on Twitter at http://twitter.com/ToyoTires.

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